I will never be defined by my athleticism. In grade school, I played left field on the Oak Grove softball team. As the largest country team, we were able to dominate the valley in softball. I played summer baseball in the Old Timer’s league. I also played baseball as a freshman at Montrose County High School. Other than that, school athletics was limited to being the drum major in the marching band.
Golf is the only sport where I can claim any accomplishments. I started playing golf regularly when we moved to Southridge in 1985. Before that, I would play a round, lose a half dozen balls, and declare, “Never again!” This changed when ours became the first house on the right side of the first fairway. We started finding many more balls than we lost.
After I retired, I played in a league at Pelican Lakes. In 2009, I was awarded this prize. It meant that I was the very best golfer (low gross on tournament day) among the very worst (third flight).

In 2014 I was awarded a similar prize after moving up to the 2nd flight.

My game continued to improve. In 2019 I got my first hole-in-one at Southridge.

The Old Chicago Seminar was organized in 1993 to discuss issues and ideas related to teaching mathematics at the secondary and university levels. As we started to get older, we still drank beer but our focus switched to talking about health issues. In 2011 we decided to stop talking about our failing health and start doing something about it. That is when we took our first bike tour, the Katy trail in Missouri. We have done bike tours almost every year since then.

With an even longer history, the Fort Collins Investment Club has met at a member’s house once each month since about 1970. We exchange a fifty-dollar bill for poker ships and make quick investments on the cards that are dealt to us. This might not sound like an athletic event, but based on the fact that our brains account for a large percentage of our oxygen usage, it should count as exercise.