Our second stop was in Ghent, Belgium. There are three official languages in Belgium; Dutch, French, and German. The maps may be printed in one language, the highway signs in a different language. That is not problem when Ghent appears as Gent on a map. Mechelen on the map and Malines on the highway sign is a bit trickier. Some of the town names are seemingly unrelated when written in different official languages.
Like other cities on our trip, Ghent is a mixture of the old with the new.
Here is a typical cityscape.
Ghent is known for its lace. This is real applied mathematics. Imagine a pattern that includes moving these objects by hand one at a time. When a mistake is discovered, reverse the pattern for an hour or so to get back to where the error was made, correct it and move on.
The last leg of our trip would take us to Bruges.